How To Delete Textnow Account-Hello, This article will be a complete review about Textnow, most questions asked by Textnow users and how to get rid of your account permanently. Let’s look at the most frequent asked questions about Textnow by it users which are;
- What is Textnow?
- How To Delete Textnow Account?
- How To Delete Textnow on Android & iPhone?
- How To Delete Email From Textnow Account?
- Can A TextNow Number Be Traced?
What is Textnow?
Textnow is a text and calling messaging App services. It mission is to help people connect with technology for free or as close to free as possible. Having been Founded in 2009 by two university students looking to save money on their phone bills, TextNow has been putting free phone service technology into the hands of customers for over a decade.
How To Delete Textnow Account?
I know great numbers of people sign up for textnow App on a daily basis, many are also done using the App services and that’s what prompted us to make a comprehensive guide on how to delete your account.
Step 1: Tap on the textnow App or through the web and login with your details. See image illustrations below to understand better.
Step 2: Click the gear “Settings” on the left hand side. See below.
Step 3: Now you will click on the “Settings” In the next page.
Step 4:Click “Account” See image below for a better understanding. On the Space in the middle enter “Delete My Account”
Step 5: Change your personal information and type into the email address field then click save button. Just as the image pointed at.
Step 6: Then “click on security and login” So you can move over to step 7 to complete your delete steps.
Step 7: Then click log out of all devices button and your done finally. Congratulations you just deleted your textnow account successfully.
NOTE: Once you have deleted your account, the account information or your activity will not be traced back to you.
How To Delete Textnow on Android & iPhone?
You want to delete Textnow on Android or iOS devices? Well that’s is possible but just so you know that there is no other special way to delete account with Textnow expect the simple guide provided above on this article. Follow the guide and you will definitely achieved same results both on Android & iOS devices.
How To Delete Email From Textnow Account?
Expect you delete your account with Textnow with the above steps Textnow does not give room to separately remove an email account expect at the point of registration you did not sign up with email address. Other options to sign up Textnow App is Facebook, Since you wish not use your email why not try sign up with Facebook profile.
Can A TextNow Number Be Traced?
Well This App has been trusted over the years to hide identity of users through the help of Textnow Support system which helps to keep users information and activity private.
Does TextNow Steal Your Information?
According Textnow “If you do not have a user account with TextNow, then we do not have a copy of your personal information in our records. Please note that once your deletion request is processed and the personal information is deleted, your user account will be deleted, inoperative, and this action cannot be reversed“
Does TextNow Charge Users?
Yes! Textnow charges users when some of the free packages given to users as at the time of sign up has been exhausted by the user.
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